Blueberry-Lemon Smoothie

Today, I added some fruit to my smoothie for the first time in months! I have been on a candida cleanse since mid December and just moved into phase 2 during which I can start having some fruit again. Blueberry and lemon are two of my favorite things in my smoothie so I was super excited to see that those were on my list of allowable foods.

Hope you will share my passion for this one!!!  Would love to hear how you liked it!

Blueberry-Lemon Smoothie (dairy free, gluten free)


8 oz. water

2 scoops Shaklee Vanilla Life Shake

1/2 cup frozen blueberries

Juice of 1/2 – 1 lemon

Ice, as needed

Blend and serve! Enjoy! 

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Blueberry-Lemon Smoothie 3


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