Protein Snowmen Energy Bites (gluten-free, raw)

I had been looking to make protein snowmen all year long and finally the weather and season were right for it!!! These are perfect holiday party food and kids have tons of fun making them. Benni was impatient to eat them and had a rough time waiting for me to take pictures. He loved them!

Looking back at the pictures, I feel they look a bit creepy…haha! I think it is the eyes and mini chocolate chips would probably work better. Let me know if you try that and how it works for you!

But now off to the recipe…

Protein Snowmen Energy Bites (gluten free, raw)

1 cup Chocolate or Vanilla Life Shake (I used chocolate)

1/3 cup local raw honey

1 cup almond butter


Chocolate chips for eyes

Mix Life Shake, honey and almond butter together and roll into balls. Roll balls in coconut and assemble. My personal tip: I used pomegranate seeds for the nose!





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