DIY Ice Cream Sundae Bar

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DIY Ice Cream Sundae Bar 4

I don’t like to reward my kids with food. Every parenting magazine or book says the same thing: it’s not a good thing to do! However, our daily diet is super clean, healthy and somewhat restricted by our food sensitivities to gluten and dairy – to just name a couple of things that make us feel not so good when we’re eating them.

So when our son Benni finished his Science curriculum after a very long year of homeschooling, I wanted to acknowledge and celebrate this win with him. I offered him two choices: an Ice Cream Sundae Bar or a movie night with snacks. He picked the Ice Cream Sundae Bar and I can’t say I was surprised. I had noticed his eyes get big every time we passed the local Baskin Robbins Store. So I wanted to make this celebration super special and super special it was!

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DIY Ice Cream Sundae Bar 5

I bought Almond Dream Vanilla Ice Cream at the local Whole Foods store. I added walnuts, mangoes, bananas and strawberries in an attempt to sneak in a couple of fresh, healthy choices. Benni completely ignored them but everyone else enjoyed them. I found a soy ‘whipped cream alternative’ in a spray bottle, gluten and dairy-free ice cream cones, an all-natural chocolate syrup and India Tree Nature’s Colors Carnival Mix, a sprinkle mix that is colored with vegetable colorants.

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DIY Ice Cream Sundae Bar 6

What can I say? The Sundae Bar was a hit! Everyone loved it and Benni had so many sundaes that I lost count at some point! I do remember him saying that he was in heaven though and that was all that mattered!

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