Protein Apple Pancakes

We weren’t able to go grocery shopping today so I had to make do with what we had at home. I ended up making a variation of my grandmother’s German Apple Pancake recipe and they turned out great!!! Both kids loved them! So without much further ado, here’s the recipe…

Protein Apple Pancakes

(dairy free)


2 cups (250 g) flour

3 eggs

2 cups water

4 scoops Shaklee Vanilla Life Shake

1 organic apple, peeled and cut into thin slices

Pinch of salt



Oil for pan

Combine flour, eggs, water, protein and salt and mix until smooth. Heat oil in pan and add a half a cup of pancake batter at a time. Immediately add a few thin slices of apple and then let cook until it sets. Flip and cook other side. Dust with cinnamon and sugar. Enjoy!

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