Time For Tea – 10 Benefits of Defend & Resist

This morning I was feeling a bit under the weather so I fixed myself a Defend & Resist tea right away. Defend & Resist contains echinacea, lark tree and black elderberry and is my go-to product when I feel I need that extra support for my immune system. The tablets may be swallowed, dissolved in the mouth, chewed, or crushed and mixed as a tea. The tea tastes slightly sweet and the dark blue color is a dead giveaway that it contains black elderberry.

What do you go for when you feel under the weather?



10 Benefits of Defend and Resist Complex (gf, kosher, vegan)

Stimulates body’s natural resistance

Pumps up the immune system

Promotes the production of white blood cells

Stops viruses from duplicating


Anti-cancer properties

Attacks foreign invaders

Soothes sore throat

Helps resist infections

Natural antibiotic properties

To learn more, go here:


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